Sustainability サステナビリティ

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In order to make eco-friendly fabric, TOKI SEN-I has continued various efforts.


Use eco-friendly machinery 環境にも肌にも優しい編機の使用

TOKI SEN-I mainly uses the TSURI Knitting machines which use less electric power. The fabrics made with these machines are very soft and comfortable. It takes a lot of time and effort to produce our product but feeling is quite unique.


Use Organic cotton オーガニック コットンの使用

TOKI SEN-I has developed fabric made from organic cotton early on, before most environmental consideration. Now we aim to be truly sustainable. We produce not only 100% organic cotton but also blended organic cotton constantly. As a result, we will be able to produce various fabrics with our organic cotton.
* Office in Milan is not applicable for the OCS certification.

* ミラノオフィスはOCS取得対象外

We are certified to the OCS, which verifies organically grown content and tracks it from the source to the final product.

Include Reuse and Recycled Cotton リサイクルコットンの利用

To be truly friendly with the environment is exactly what TOKI SEN-I is aiming at. That’s why we use “fallen cotton”, which occurs when the yarn was spun, and recarded* cotton. We are trying to keep carbon emissions low throughout our fabric making process. The textile which is made from these cotton or yarn is very unique and different from ordinary ones. It is pleasing to the touch.recarded・・・ to return to raw cotton from old clothing such as secondhanded, or cutting wastage with a carding machine


Cutting wastage 反毛作業前の裁断生地

Post-Industrial recycled cotton #1 反毛作業#1

Post-Industrial recycled cotton #2 反毛作業#2

No greenhouse gas emissions 二酸化炭素削減

In order to be in harmony with nature, we believe Solar power is a great way to reduce our carbon footprint. The sun provides us with more energy than we could ever use, and no one can monopolise the sunlight.


ISO14001 ISO14001

Toki Sen-i Co., Ltd. has acquired the ISO 14001 certification, an international standard for environmental management systems. We are aiming to reduce the negative effects on and pay close attention to the environment in our design and manufacturing processes in order to manage our environmental responsibilities.
Our office in Milan is not applicable for the ISO 14001.


Keep and grow Biotope ビオトープの維持、拡大

Our growing Area has a walking trail in a natural forest and a biotopic pond that together provide a good environment for observing living creatures and listening to birds sing.


Burkina Faso ブルキナファソへの取り組み

This project is to help them develop their industries by increasing purchase of cotton. Also, a portion of the sales of the yarn will be used to support their medical field, education and so on though the Japan Burkina Faso Friendship Association (JBFA).
